Lego4scrum is the most interactive way of demonstrating Agile and Scrum in a classroom. Proven with hundreds of classes and thousands of happy participants.
Invite the author to run a workshop. Or learn the method yourself with the book.
Order the #lego4scrum book: 2023 revision
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We have sold more than 3'000 copies. This book is a full guide to running workshops and trainings based on the #lego4scrum method, that has been proven with hundreds of classes and thousands of participants worldwide.
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Eine vollständige Anleitung zu #lego4scrum - eine großartige Möglichkeit, das Scrum Framework und ein agiles Mindset zu vermitteln.
lego4scrum - eine der interaktivsten Methoden, um ein agiles Mindset und das Scrum Framework in Aktion zu demonstrieren. Dieses Buch fasst jahrelange Experimente und hunderte von lego4scrum-Workshops zusammen. Es wird Dir ermöglichen, Scrum auf eine völlig neue, frische und unterhaltsame Weise zu unterrichten.
This is the third and by now the most complete guide with a foreword by Henrik Kniberg. This book summarises years of experiments and hundreds of lego4scrum workshops with groups of 10 to 150 participants. It will let you teach Scrum in a complete new, fresh and also fun way.
This book is written for:
lego4scrum 3.0 incorporates the following popular agile coaching techniques:
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