April 2017

Large-Scale Scrum simulation with LEGO Bricks #lego4scrum #less
by Alexey Krivitsky


June 2016

Scrum and teamwork

by Marco Avendaño


April 2016

Learning Scrum With Lego

by Hugo Messe


June 2016

Scrum and teamwork

by Marco Avendaño


Dec 2015

Teaching Agile through games

by Wesley van Heije


Sep 2015

Video: Scrum simulation with LEGO

by  Jan Kees Velthoven


Sep 2015

Lego Scrum report from mhs.com

by David Cartagena, Project Manager, MHS Inc.


Aug 2015

Video:  lego4scrum workshop in 53 seconds

by Bartosz Zieleźnik


June 2015

Lego Scrum in the Big Apple Scrum Day 
by Darren Taylor


April 2015

Are you talking about water or getting wet? Become Agile through simulations

by Alex Lichtenberger


July 2013

Learning about Individual Collaborative Strengths: A LEGO Scrum Simulation 

by Heather Getha-Taylor and Alexey Krivitsky School of Public Affairs and Administration, University of Kansas


July 2013

Experiences and lessons learned from the Scrum Lego Game 
by Christiaan Verwijs


June 2013

Where is my city? Lego scrum simulation 
by Galina Kostetskaya (@tisquirrel)


Apr 2013

Photo report 

by lacantine-rennes


Feb 2013

Lego Scrum Workshop 

by Ralph van Roosmalen


Feb 2012

My experience on Scrum simulation with LEGO 
by Saket Bivalkar


Sep 2012

We want a city (Scrum simulation with LEGO extension)

by Niels Talens


Apr 2009

The Road to Scrum is Paved with Lego (updated) 

by Gerry Kirk


Have a report or a variant to share? Share it with us at info@lego4scrum.com and we'll get it published.


Scrum Simulation – the Scrum LEGO® Airport 
by Thorsten O. Kalnin (@vinylbaustein)

Scrum Lego City 
by agile42


The Leadership Game 
by Yves Hanoulle


Lego Simulation variations
by Tomasz de Jastrzebiec Wykowski


Rapports sur les LEGO Scrum simulaton en français

2016 avril

lego4scrum à la FAC

Sandrine Mathon


2015 Juin

Le lego4scrum, un dispositif agile pour enseigner le management de projet

Ouitre Florian, Lambert Jean-Luc


2014 Novembre

Apprendre Scrum avec des LEGOS

Fabrice Aimetti


2014 Octobre

Lego4Scrum + Birdie Birdie = Birdie4Scrum

Grégory Alexandre


2014 Septembre

Lego4Scrum Adapté

Alexandre Boutin


2014 Mai

Lego4scrum : simuler 3 mois de projet agile en 1h30 !

Jérémie Hattat


2013 Juillet 

Simulation Lego : un retour d’expérience

Isabelle Therrien (@itherrien)


2013 Avril

J’ai (enfin) joué à lego4scrum

Julien Fallet


2013 Mars

Lego et Agilité

Fabien Bataille 


2013 Février

Lego4Scrum at the University of Caen, Webdesign Students

Lego4Scrum with young PhDs of physics and chemistry

Lego4Scrum with energetic entrepreneurs 

Lego4Scrum with project managers and developers 

Eve Vinclair-Berkemeier


2013 Janvier

Lego4Scrum : effets collatéraux et extensions


2012 November

Scrum Café 12 : Lego4Scrum

Olivier Patou


2012 Juin

Quelques photos de l'atelier Lego4Scrum


2012 Mars

Ma ville en Lego… pour comprendre Scrum!

Jean Claude Grosjean